Á myndini:
Tofta Regin fyrrverandi Gotha var partur av týska “for-postinum” í Kattagat, sum hevði høvuðsstøð í Frederikshavn. Talan var um “16. Vorpostenflottille”, sum fevndi um týskar og franskar trolarar, sum vórðu útgjørdir við kanónum o.ø. Gotha var partur av 16. Vorpostenflottille við navninum Gotha V 1612.
16. Vorpostenflottille
Formed in July 1940 from the 16. Vorpostengruppe. It was formed with German & French fishing boats and employed in the West. In December 1940 it was moved Frederikshavn and employed in security & escort duties in Kattegat & Skagerrak. It was dissolved in July 1945.
Ein kelda vísur á, at Gotha V 1612 varð søkt av bretskum flogførum í einum álopi í Kattegat 7. mars 1945. Meðan onnur kelda ikki nevnir nakað um at Gotha V 1612 varð sokkin, men bara at Innsbruck V 1610 varð sokkin.
7.3.1945 Norway
Attack of the “Banff Strike Wing” with 40 mosquitoes on Marinefährprähme Kattegat, who are backed by boats of 16 V Flotilla. F 200, F 218, F 285, V 1610 and V 1612 are sunk including cannon and rockets. Violent flak forces several aircraft to return to Scotland. Mosquito, O ‘/ 235 and, R’ / 248 collide with each other during the attack and lost.
Kelda: http://www.wlb-stuttgart.de/seekrieg/45-03.htm
March 07 1945.
Forty Mossies from Banff attacked self—propelled barges in the Kattegat with cannon and machine gun fire followed by 251b rockets. Twelve P51 Mustangs provided fighter cover with two Warwick’s of 979 squadron on hand to drop lifeboats to any ditched crews. Four aircraft of 333 squadron led the way with the fire suppression Mosquito’s following behind. The strike force attack with rockets against the vessels. Several Mosquito’s had to return to base with faulty jettison fuel tanks. Four German Gun Barges were sunk each averaging approx. 130 tons. The German Flak ship INNSBRUCK Vp 1610 of 256 tons was also sunk. Two Mosquito’s were lost in the attack, Mosquito “0” of 235 squadron flown by Flying Officer S.C. Hawkins and Flying Officer F. Stubbs is believed to have collided with Mosquito “R” of 248 squadron flown by Flight Lieutenant R.G. Young and Flying Officer C.V. Goodes, during the attack. Both crews failed to return.
Kelda: http://www.scotshistoryonline.co.uk/sorties.html
Myndir frá Frederikshavn vísa, at Gotha liggur sokkin við kei í Frederikshavn. Erik Christensen, savnsleiðari í Frederikshavn greiðir í telduposti frá: “Skibet blev sænket af sin egen tyske besætning ved kajen i Frederikshavn. Den blev senere hævet ved hjælp af bjergningsentreprisen Schwitzer’s slæbebåd URD.”
Savnsleiðarin greiðir eisini frá – tá eg spyrji um Gotha so ikki varð sokkin av breskum flogførum: “Jeg er overhovedet ikke sikker på noget i denne sag. Avisen er naturligvis tavs og da modstandsbevægelsen sørgede for at brænde den tyske kommandants dagbog, fra januar 45 til befrielsen, så kan jeg ikke rekonstruere begivenheden. Hvis den har været udsat for luftangreb, så må den have været i stand til at sejle tilbage til Frederikshavn havn, hvor den er sunket.“
Undir øllum umstøðum verður Gotha tikin upp aftur í keiini í Frederikshavn og síðan seld til Vágs í februar 1946.
Árstal: 1945
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